Engineering a better approach to system efficiency

Incentive Procurement

The experts at Veritas Solutions Group are able to identify the incentives available in multiple states that property owners currently or could potentially qualify for.

Incentive Procurement








Numerous incentives for energy efficiency projects are available at both the state level and through utility providers. However, it can be difficult to know what is available, who is eligible, and how to participate. Many of these programs are subject to change on an annual basis, which further complicates procuring them. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has programs that can support everything from energy audits to real-time energy management. Additionally, utilities such as Con Edison offer incentives and rebates for the installation of energy efficient equipment.

The Veritas Solutions Group Value

At Veritas Solutions Group, our experts will identify the specific incentives available to our clients and how to best leverage them for their specific needs. We create custom strategies based on a property’s budget, energy use, tenant demands, and more to ensure you have access to the right incentive programs to meet your goals.

NYSERDA Real-Time Energy Management Program

A real time energy management (RTEM) system transforms the way you manage, consume, and buy energy. Through a cloud-based or on-site system, they collect live and historical performance data. This data could then be used to determine optimization opportunities regarding energy usage. Sensors, meters, data analytics, and other resources can show how a building is performing in real time.

To accelerate the adoption of RTEM practices, NYSERDA is offering cost-shared support of integrating RTEM systems and services into existing facilities. With cost-sharing of 30% for installation and annual services up to $300,000, this program aggressively drives down the payback period of implementation, which is already short given the energy and maintenance cost savings it can produce. This is one of the lowest cost first actions a facility can take towards eventual compliance with LL97 emission standards.

FacilityConnex, Veritas Solutions Group’s monitoring-based commissioning partner is a qualified RTEM vendor and together our turnkey approach handles everything from application, installation, to service.

NYSERDA Commercial Tennant Program

While many efforts and programs have focused on the base-building systems that are the landlord’s responsibility, tenant energy use had not been given as much attention, despite it making up the majority of a properties energy use.

The Commercial Tenant Program provides funding for professional service fees of consultants, offering technical assistance to incorporate energy efficiency in tenant office projects throughout all phases of a tenant’s leasing cycle. This program provides funding to support energy efficiency initiatives in four distinct areas; opportunity assessment, planning assistance, portfolios strategies and other approaches for energy savings. Providing funding of between 50% and 100% of professional service fees, this flexible, fast, and forward-thinking program can help both tenants and landlords identify energy saving opportunities at and point of the lease lifecycle.

To learn more about how Veritas can help you leverage the Commercial Tennant Program, check out our blog post here.

Want to learn more about our incentive procurement services? Call us at (212) 714-0197 or email us at